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Dean Cain Delighted After Fleeing California’s “Wokeness” for Nevada’s Promise

Former “Superman” star, Dean Cain, is basking in his decision to leave California and settle in Nevada, as he reflects on the “terrible” policies that drove him away. In a candid interview on “Mornings with Maria,” Cain expressed his contentment with the move, citing the burdensome tax policies and soft-on-crime stance as major factors.

“I have to admit that if you told me a year ago that I was going to leave California, I would have said: not a chance,” revealed Cain. Growing up in the scenic beauty of Malibu, he never imagined parting ways with the state he once called home. However, California’s high taxes and crime rates compelled him to make a life-altering decision.

The actor’s sentiments resonate with thousands of other residents who have also bid farewell to the Golden State. According to the state’s Department of Finance, California lost a staggering 117,552 people between Jan. 1, 2021 and Jan. 1, 2022, leading to a decline in its population back to 2016 levels.

Cain found solace in Nevada, where he noticed a significant improvement in his quality of life. One of the most appealing factors was the absence of state income tax in Nevada, allowing his hard-earned money to stretch “a lot” farther. He contrasted the excessive taxation in California, including taxes on energy, water, gas, and the sales tax, which he found burdensome.

California’s homelessness crisis, which has worsened in recent years, was another concerning issue that influenced Cain’s decision to move. He criticized Governor Gavin Newsom’s handling of the situation, stating that the state had been driven into the ground, leaving its citizens unhappy and disillusioned.

Embracing Traditional Values Through Literature – “Dean Cain: All-American Lawman”

Not only did Dean Cain change his address, but he also shifted his focus to projects that uphold traditional American values. Teaming up with a former DC Comics writer and illustrator who shared his concerns about “wokeness” in the industry, Cain penned his new book, “Dean Cain: All-American Lawman,” set to release in December.

The graphic novel draws inspiration from classic adventure storylines like “Romancing the Stone” and Indiana Jones, presenting a tale of right and wrong. Cain emphasized that the book addresses contemporary issues, such as the fentanyl crisis at the border, in a gripping and compelling narrative.

H2: A Brave Departure from the Hollywood “Wokeness”

Dean Cain’s decision to distance himself from Hollywood’s “wokeness” is gaining attention as he embraces his values and convictions. His departure from the heavily politicized entertainment industry has sparked conversations about creative freedom and the preservation of beloved characters.

In collaboration with like-minded creators, Cain is paving the way for storytelling that celebrates America’s core principles. By focusing on projects that prioritize artistry, compelling narratives, and timeless values, he hopes to inspire a resurgence of appreciation for classic characters and stories.

Cain’s bold move to Nevada not only reflects his individual journey but also mirrors a growing sentiment among many in the industry who seek a return to more traditional and inclusive storytelling. As audiences yearn for meaningful content, Dean Cain’s venture into “All-American Lawman” might just be the start of a new chapter in Hollywood.

In conclusion, Dean Cain’s happiness after leaving California serves as a testament to the power of personal convictions and the pursuit of artistic integrity. By choosing to step away from the “wokeness” that has gripped the entertainment world, he has found a new sense of fulfillment in Nevada. His upcoming graphic novel promises to be a beacon of hope for those seeking a return to classic storytelling, reminding us all of the timeless allure of American values.

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