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Mortgage Misery Continues: Fed’s Hold on Rates Offers No Respite

In the world of real estate, the first letter of the alphabet has become synonymous with a looming crisis: “M” for mortgage. Homebuyers hoping for a reprieve from skyrocketing mortgage rates have had their dreams dashed as the Federal Reserve stands firm on its stringent monetary policies. The Fed’s decision to maintain this stance until inflation hovers around the 2% mark has sent shockwaves through the housing market, leaving buyers and builders grappling with the consequences.

The numbers don’t lie. According to Freddie Mac’s latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey, the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has surged to a staggering 7.19% as of the week ending Sept. 21. This slight uptick from the preceding week’s 7.18% only adds to the strain. A mere year ago, homebuyers were enjoying the relative luxury of a 6.29% average for the same mortgage.

Even the shorter-term 15-year mortgage offers little respite, coming in at 6.54%, up from 6.51% last week and a far cry from the 5.44% seen a year ago.

The recent announcement from the Fed, signaling a pause on interest rate hikes for the current month, initially appeared hopeful. However, a shadow was cast as it hinted at the likelihood of future rate increases this year. Jerome Powell, the Fed’s chair, acknowledged the weight of the central bank’s monetary policies on the housing market during a press conference following their latest meeting.

The Fed’s move to raise interest rates 11 times since the previous year has triggered a seismic jump in mortgage rates, pushing them to their highest point in over two decades. This surge has left approximately one in seven homeowners opting out of the market, unwilling to shoulder the burden of borrowing at today’s exorbitant rates—sometimes doubling their existing cost of funds. The result? A stagnation in housing supply that continues to drive up both home prices and mortgage rates in tandem.

Jerome Powell, however, remained unapologetic about the Fed’s role in this conundrum, stating that the so-called “lock-in” effect has indeed contributed to the slowdown in mortgage lending.

As Freddie Mac’s Chief Economist Sam Khater succinctly puts it, “Mortgage rates continue to linger above 7% as the Federal Reserve paused their interest rate hikes. Given these high rates, housing demand is cooling off, and now homebuilders are feeling the effect. Builder sentiment declined for the first time in several months, and construction levels have dipped to a three-year low, which could have an impact on the already low housing supply.”

In this climate, homebuyers must be vigilant and proactive in securing the best mortgage rates. The advice is clear: shop around, compare options, and visit Credible to evaluate rates from different lenders without incurring damage to your credit score.

Predicting where mortgage rates are headed next is a complex endeavor, contingent on multiple factors, with the Fed’s forthcoming interest rate decisions looming large. Powell’s statement offers some clues, affirming the central bank’s commitment to reducing inflation to a 2% target rate but also hinting at a possible reversal in their stance on interest rates.

For now, the federal funds rate continues to hover at a 22-year high of 5.25% to 5.5%. Powell, however, suggests that if the economy follows its projected trajectory, the appropriate federal funds rate could reach 5.6% by year-end, signifying at least one more rate hike on the horizon. Beyond that, expectations include a drop to 5.1% by the close of 2024 and 3.9% by the close of 2025—a half percentage point higher than the June forecast.’s Chief Economist, Danielle Hale, offers perspective, stating, “Put another way, the median Fed forecast is consistent with just one 25 basis point rate cut from where we are now by the end of 2024.”

The impact of tightened policies is palpable. Mortgage rates have stabilized just below recent highs, but they remain more than three percentage points above their pandemic-era lows. This, combined with soaring home prices, has driven up the cost of financing the typical listed home by more than $400, a 22.5% increase from a year ago, and an astonishing $1,100 increase since August 2020, effectively doubling the cost in just three years.

In the short term, it seems unlikely that mortgage rates will dip below 6%. The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) predicts that the 30-year fixed rate will remain above 6% until the second quarter of 2024, as per its September Mortgage Finance Forecast.

In the face of this high-rate environment, savvy buyers can unlock savings by shopping around for the best deal. The potential savings are substantial, with Freddie Mac research suggesting buyers could pocket as much as $1,200 annually.

Mortgage rate volatility surged in 2022 as rates exceeded 7%. Those who diligently sought five different rate quotes could have potentially saved over $6,000 over the life of their loan, provided it remains active for at least five years, according to Freddie Mac.

Additionally, improving one’s credit profile can lead to substantial savings. A recent Zillow analysis demonstrated that borrowers with an “excellent” credit score (ranging from 760 to 850) stand to save up to a staggering $103,626 in mortgage interest payments over the life of a 30-year fixed-rate loan.

For those ready to navigate the challenging mortgage landscape, Credible’s marketplace offers a valuable resource. It facilitates easy comparison of interest rates from multiple mortgage lenders, allowing buyers to get prequalified in mere minutes.

In summary, the road ahead for mortgage rates remains uncertain. The Federal Reserve’s policy decisions will play a pivotal role in determining the trajectory. In the meantime, homebuyers must stay vigilant, explore options, and employ strategies to navigate this challenging landscape as they aspire to own a piece of the American dream.

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