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Amazon Inc. Revamps iRobot Acquisition Deal Amid Antitrust Scrutiny

In a strategic move to navigate antitrust scrutiny, Amazon Inc. has modified its acquisition deal with iRobot, the renowned company behind the Roomba vacuum. The amendment comes as both companies face investigations from U.S. and European regulators, questioning the potential implications on market competition.

Under the revised terms announced on Tuesday, Amazon, headquartered in Seattle, will now pay $51.75 per share to acquire iRobot, aiming to consolidate its presence in the booming smart home market. This marks a significant reduction from the initial all-cash transaction price of $61 per share, which was estimated at around $1.7 billion, including iRobot’s net debt.

Following the amendment, the current value of the deal stands at approximately $1.42 billion.

Amazon’s New Financing Facility

To mitigate the impact of the price reduction, Amazon has disclosed plans for iRobot to leverage a new $200 million financing facility. The additional funds are intended to support the company’s ongoing operations. Both parties emphasized this development in their joint announcement, stating that the price change per share would be “largely offset” by this financial maneuver.

Market Reaction and Regulatory Hurdles

The news of the altered acquisition deal triggered a downturn in iRobot’s share prices during midday trading on Tuesday, reflecting investors’ concerns about the implications of regulatory scrutiny.

While the Competition and Markets Authority, British antitrust regulators, cleared Amazon’s purchase of iRobot for the United Kingdom market last month, the deal still faces rigorous examination in the United States and Europe.

European Commission’s In-Depth Investigation

In recent developments, the European Commission has launched a comprehensive investigation into the acquisition. The Commission’s primary concern is that the deal might grant Amazon the ability to stifle competition in the market for robot vacuum cleaners, consequently reinforcing its position as a dominant online marketplace provider.

FTC’s Worries about Market Dominance

Similarly, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States has been closely reviewing the transaction. The FTC shares concerns regarding Amazon’s increasing market power, raising potential red flags about market monopolization.

Calls to Halt the Deal

Amidst the regulatory turbulence, some experts have publicly voiced their apprehensions about the deal. Ron Knox, a senior researcher at the Institute for Local Self Reliance, boldly declared this acquisition to be the “most dangerous, threatening” move in Amazon’s history. Such sentiments are echoed by others, including observers who have urged the regulators to halt the deal altogether.

Amazon’s Response to Regulatory Scrutiny

In response to the ongoing investigations, Amazon issued a statement reaffirming their cooperation with the relevant regulators during the merger review process. The company emphasizes its commitment to work collaboratively to address any concerns raised during the antitrust evaluations.


As the global market continues to grapple with the increasing influence of tech giants, regulatory authorities are maintaining a vigilant eye on potentially monopolistic practices. Amazon’s decision to amend the iRobot acquisition deal in light of antitrust scrutiny indicates a strategic maneuver to navigate the complex landscape of international regulations. While the modified agreement might have raised some eyebrows, the tech giant remains determined to forge ahead with its plans to expand its foothold in the rapidly growing smart home market.

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